Thursday, January 10, 2013

....thoughts for the new year....


 Confession: I did not make a resolution this year.

Sure, I could come up with a list 37 miles long of things I should 'work on' or habits I could tweak, but making resolutions and proceeding to break them has not proved to be an edifying practice for me.   
 It turns out I'm in good company- there are apparently lots of other folks who want a simple focus for the year ahead.   It seems the New Years 'word' is replacing the resolution for many across blog-land.

This year I decided to jump on the 'word' bandwagon.
 Its a nice wagon.  I rather like it. 
As my good friend Anne Shirley would say, 'there is so much more scope for the imagination'. 
At the start of the year I took some time to reflect and pray and listen.  As I did so, i realized how withered and dry I had become, and the words 'refresh' and 'revive' began to settle into my mind.  Spiritually, relationally, creatively... I realized that I have been letting my passion shrivel up in so many areas.  My prayer for 2013 is for much needed refreshment and revival to happen in my own heart, and that I might be able share that refreshment with other thirsty souls.  

'Refresh':  to restore strength and animation to, revive; to freshen up; to restore or maintain by renewing supply; replenish, arouse, stimulate; to run water over or restore water to, to restore well- being and vigor 

'Revive': to return to consciousness or life; to become active or flourishing again; to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state; bring back

Do you have a word (or two :) for the new year?  Im all ears!

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At January 16, 2013 at 2:53 PM , Blogger J.K. English said...

SHAINA!!! WHERE HAS THIS BEEN MY WHOLE LIFE?!!! SO glad you are here! You support me and my baby corner, now I want to be a fan of yours!! And so crazy, I've been also given a word for our year, I was looking and praying into it also and the word He has given me is FRUITION, meaning dreams or labor finally being realized..I am excited that the Lord is bringing me to a place where dreams that I have had forever are being realized and unfolded, fruit-i-fied!!! Love you and cant wait to read more!!

At January 17, 2013 at 10:01 AM , Blogger hockfrockandlily said...

Yayyyy- i have an official blog follower :) Thank you!! And girl- I am SO excited for you and the amazing things God has planned for you this year. I can't wait to watch it all unfold as he blesses you with the desires of your heart!
Love you!! (and we should probably get together soon before the serious withdrawals set in)


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