Monday, January 28, 2013

Moody Mondays....{cozy}

Well folks, Monday has arrived in her usual too-soon fashion.    Like most other people in this world, I'm not the biggest fan of Mondays....especially the Mondays that take my beloved away from me for the week.  Darn you, busy season!  
(In all honesty, we are so thankful for his job and the awesome opportunities that it provides.  Such a blessing.  It's just that I am a sappy romantic to my core, and am a bit selfish/whiney at times.  Also?  I can't help it he's a good kisser.)

blurry old pic from our honeymoon
Bunny trail- sorry 'bout it.
Anyways,  Mondays need some jazzing up if you ask me.  I think a fun little design/art/ fashion/food brainstorming sesh is just what the doctor ordered.  I'm thinking inspiration.  I'm thinking mood boards. 
So without further ado, I bring you......Moody Mondays. 

Each Monday I will be sharing my current 'moods' (or cravings) in any of the aforementioned areas.  I do realize the word 'moody' tends to have a negative connotation, but it fits with the word 'Monday' just beautifully in my mind.  
My current craving is for all things soft and cozy
 Michigan has turned into a white wonderland over the past week, with snowshower after snowshower after everlovingsnowshower.  It has left me daydreaming about cozy neutral colors, scads of texture, and a memorable mix of styles to keep things interesting.  (It has also inevitably resulted in me lazing about in my trusty yoga pants with my fluffy blankie,  listening to Enya like my life depends on it. )  

May I present to you my very first little Monday mood board:

that random black floral would be either wallpaper or curtains...
It's far from perfect, but hopefully you get the idea I was trying to convey.... Soft and cozy, but interesting, with a puppy thrown in for good measure. ;)
I hope to eventually figure out how to make these suckers the right way.   I really have no clue what Im doing yet.  (what do people use to make e-design boards, anyhow?  I used polyvore, but it was SO frustrating...)
So enough about me, what are you in the mood for these days?
Im all ears!  And eyes!  
(well, I'm not actually all eyes...that would look a bit freaky.)

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At January 28, 2013 at 12:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely love it! The texture and the colors; you have such a good eye for decorating! & the puppy is adorable :)

At January 28, 2013 at 12:52 PM , Blogger hockfrockandlily said...

Thanks so much Emily! I couldn't resist that cute little fella- since I can't have a real life puppy yet, I had to include him in my imaginary living room ;) thanks for reading my little blog!

At January 28, 2013 at 3:40 PM , Blogger J.K. English said...

Lily-you have such an eye for design, texture, and color!! How you do that is beyond me. What a gift! PLEASE design and bring your coziness to my living room.

At January 28, 2013 at 5:23 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

The only thing missing is....ME! Oh..and maybe a cup of coffee. I assume Enya is playing in the background or some great jazz. You are very talented and if you want more practice, I can give you some rooms to "play in" ;) since I'm stuck on which direction I want to go. There are just too many wonderful options out there which are illustrated in your design board (great job on that board!!! If polyvore wasn't so difficult to download to a blog...ugh!). Can't wait to see more boards!

At January 28, 2013 at 7:28 PM , Blogger hockfrockandlily said...

My dearest Jana- I would LOVE to help you with space! (you have made it so cozy and cute already! How fun it would be to make it reflect your beautiful, vibrant family even more :) Maybe we can get together in real life again sometime soon?

At January 28, 2013 at 7:32 PM , Blogger hockfrockandlily said...

Oh, Enya is SO playing in the background. ;) Coffee is brewing- come on over!

Lets definitely 'play' with your basement soon... we should maybe make a design- mood board for that space.
Love you mom!


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